About Kristof

I am interested in evolution and innovation in governance with focus areas in spatial planning and design, development and environmental policy. I have worked in various countries, often combining fieldwork with theoretical reflection: systems theories, interpretive policy analysis, institutional economics and post- structuralism.
My work spans several geographical regions: Europe, the America’s, Central Asia and the Caucasus and Africa. Many lines of my research, both empirical and theoretical, come together in what we call Evolutionary Governance Theory [EGT], a product of a collective effort in several countries. In research, teaching and also in more applied and advisory work I try to maintain and develop inter- and trans- disciplinary perspectives which are sensitive to diverse kinds of knowledge and focus on the issues at stake. By placing EGT in socio- ecological contexts, our work contributes to discussions on transition, sustainability, adaptation and innovation.
Full Professor in Planning, Governance and Development at University of Alberta (since 2016)
Research Fellow at the Harris Centre for Regional Policy and Development, Memorial University in Newfoundland and Labrador (since 2019)
Senior Fellow, Bonn University, ZEF Center for Development Research
Adjunct Professor, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan
Editorial Boards
Planning Theory [Sage; ISI]
Ocean and Coastal Management
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning [Taylor & Francis;ISI]
Politics & governance [Cogitatio; ISI]
Urban Planning [Cogitatio; ESCI & Scopus]
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum [Polish Academy of Sciences, Environmental Sciences; ESCI & Scopus]
Sustainability [Mdpi; ISI]
World [Mdpi; new]
Research in Globalization [Elsevier; new]