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Theory & Theorists

Nothing as practical as a good theory. If we need to do something, best to first understand it. Hence theory. Good to develop theory but just as important to learn from others and see which old ideas might shed a new light on things.

Perez-Sindin, X., & Van Assche, K. (2021). “Coal [from Colombia] is our life”. Bourdieu, the miners (after they are miners) and resistance in As Pontes, Resources Policy 

Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., & Duineveld, M. (2016). Citizens, Leaders and the Common Good in a world of Necessity and Scarcity: Machiavelli’s Lessons for Community-Based Natural Resource Management. Ethics, Policy & Environment, 19(1), 19-36.

Eichholz, M., Van Assche, K., Oberkircher, L, Hornidge, AK (2013) ‘Trading capitals? Bourdieu, land and water in rural Uzbekistan’, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56, 6: 868- 892. 

Van Assche, K, Duineveld, M., Verschraegen, G., During, R., Beunen, R. (2011) ‘Social systems and social engineering: Niklas Luhmann’, in M. Vellema, (Ed.) Transformation and sustainability in agriculture: connecting practice with social theory (Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers): 35-49

Van Assche, K., Verschraegen, K. (2008) ‘The Limits of Planning: Niklas Luhmann's systems theory and the analysis of planning and planning ambitions’, Planning Theory, 7, 3: 263-283.

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