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Methods can be terrible. They can make people blind for what is obvious and they can block innovation. At the same time, they are absolutely necessary to avoid dangerous nonsense, to structure our thinking and observing, and, yes, to spark creativity. Methods of investigation and methods of organizing are both worth a non-traditional look, and their relations deserve more attention as well.

Van Assche, K., Verschraegen, G., Beunen, R., Gruezmacher, M., & Duineveld, M. (2023). Combining research methods in policy and governance Taking account of bricolage and discerning limits of modelling and simulation. Futures, 103074.


Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., & Verweij, S. (2020). Learning from Other Places and Their Plans: Comparative Learning in and for Planning Systems. Urban Planning, 5(1), 1-5.

Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M., & Deacon, L. (2019). Mapping institutional work as a method for local strategy; learning from boom/bust dynamics in the Canadian west. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 62(1), 51-71.

Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., Gruezmacher, M., Duineveld, M., Deacon, L., Summers, R., ... & Jones, K. (2019). Research methods as bridging devices: path and context mapping in governance. Journal of Organizational Change Management.

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