Future & Memory
Planning and development, strategizing as a community is thinking about the future, constructing shared futures and figuring out how to get there. Futures are not predictions, and they are never a repetition of the present. One of the things that interests us is how ideas of the past, but also how things are remembered shape our ideas of the future and how we organize ourselves for it.
Perez-Sindin, X., & Van Assche, K. (2020). From coal not to ashes but to what? As Pontes, social memory and the concentration problem. The Extractive Industries and Society.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2020.07.016
Teampau, P., Van Assche, K. (2009) ‘Sulina, Sulina, when there’s water, there’s no light. Memory and autobiography in a Romanian town’, Identities. Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, 7, 1-2: 33-70.
Van Assche, K., Devlieger, P., Teampau, P., Verschraegen, G. (2009) ‘Remembering and forgetting in the margin: Constructing past and future in the Romanian Danube Delta’, Memory Studies, 2,2: 211-234.
Van Assche, K., Verschraegen, K. (2008) ‘The Limits of Planning: Niklas Luhmann's systems theory and the analysis of planning and planning ambitions’, Planning Theory, 7, 3: 263-283.
Teampau, P., Van Assche, K (2007) ‘Sulina, the dying city in a vital region. Social memory and nostalgia for the European future’, Ethnologia Balkanica, 11, 1: 257-278.