Institutional Reform
Governance never works, it seems. Well, it does work of course but reform is always on the table. New forms of participation, new modes of democracy, public sector reform, local government reorganization, rescaling multi-level governance, institutional experiment, cuts and reorganizations, testing new policy tools, it never ends, it seems. And that’s a good thing
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., Gruezmacher, M., & Duineveld, M. (2020). Rethinking strategy in environmental governance. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 1-14.https://doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2020.1768834
Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M., & Deacon, L. (2019). Mapping institutional work as a method for local strategy; learning from boom/bust dynamics in the Canadian west. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 62(1), 51-71.
Leta, G., Kelboro, G., Stellmacher, T., Van Assche, K., & Hornidge, A. K. (2018). Nikinake: the mobilization of labour and skill development in rural Ethiopia. In Natural Resources Forum (Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 93-107).
Djanibekov, U., Van Assche, K., Boezeman, D., Villamor, G. B., & Djanibekov, N. (2018). A coevolutionary perspective on the adoption of sustainable land use practices: The case of afforestation on degraded croplands in Uzbekistan. Journal of Rural Studies, 59, 1-9.