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Environmental Governance

We’re clearly not doing a good job taking care of our environment. And many people are not happy with our governance systems for other reasons. Environmental governance requires our focused attention, and at the same time our creative attention. We have to think beyond disciplines and beyond the current fashions and recipes, to craft governance solutions for the problems we have and the assets we still have.  Different methods, forms of knowledge, different levels of governance, different domains of policy and sites of policy integration can become important at different times.

These are a selection of books on Environmental Governance.



Partelow, S., Schlüter, A., Armitage, D., Bavinck, M., Carlisle, K., Gruby, R. L., ... & Van Assche, K. (2020). Environmental governance theories: a review and application to coastal systems. Ecology and Society, 25(4), 1-21.

Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., Gruezmacher, M., & Duineveld, M. (2020). Rethinking strategy in environmental governance. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 1-14.

Beunen, R., Duineveld, M., Van Assche, K. (2011) ‘Moeizame implementatie van Natura 2000. De performatieve macht van de ‘mislukking’’, Landschap, 28, 3, 109-118.

Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., Duineveld, M., & Gruezmacher, M. (2017). Power/knowledge and natural resource management: Foucaultian foundations in the analysis of adaptive governance. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 19(3), 308-322.

Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., & Duineveld, M. (2016). Citizens, Leaders and the Common Good in a world of Necessity and Scarcity: Machiavelli’s Lessons for Community-Based Natural Resource Management. Ethics, Policy & Environment, 19(1), 19-36.

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