Environmental policy and governance want to take care of, clean up, improve, manage many 'environments' in myriad ways. This effort is all the more necessary as challenges multiply and our awareness of them slowly intensifies. A very basic idea of co-evolution is utterly useful in analyzing how environmental governance can actually work, and thus in articulating more effective policies. This very basic idea is simply that governance systems, communities and their physical environments are nested systems which co-evolved. They shaped each other over time, and this defined our tools, in governance, to understand and manage our environment.
Special issue, in Sustainability, Guest edited by Monica Gruezmacher and Raoul Beunen and myself:: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/environmental_policy
Contributions by Prateep Nayak, Fikret Berkes, Roel During, Rosalie van Dam, Rene Kemp, Patrick Huntjens, Martijn Gerritsen, Martijn Groenleer, Henk- Jan Kooij, Edwin van der Krabben, Steven Tobin, Atiq Zaman and others.